Astana public health

Economy of the city >  Astana public health


According to the official data of Astana health department on 1st of January 2014 year in 33 organisations dependent on the department works 8165 people. 36,5% (2986) are doctors, 63,4% (5179) are medical staff. There is sharp deficit of the doctors in Astana. Provision of doctors in Astana on 10 000 of population is 39,3% (on 1st of january 2014).


 Number of doctors of all specialties in Astana, 2003-2012 years, thousand people:
           According to the data of Statistics Agency


 Number of hospital organisations in Kazakhstan by the regions, 2012 year:


 According to the data of Statistics Agency





altPublic health in Kazakhstan


Consultant-diagnostics hospital was opened in Astana Астане, june 2013 year


Learning centre for cardio doctors was opened Astana, april 2013 year


 Video Archive


Useful links:

Blog of the head of public health department in Astana

Centre of the healthy life style in Astana

Youth health centre "Arman kala"

Professional union of medical worker in Kazakhstan


Governmental regulation

Управление здравоохранения г.Астаны


Companies list

Public health companies in Astana



Day of medical worker in 2014 year- 15 of June





